2015. június 10., szerda

CentOS on Windows? Why not?

This post is about installing Linux distribution CentOS on Vmware under Windows. Sometimes a (wo)man needs a CentOS...and you can set it up easily based on this list!

1. Download latest Vmware Player 64 bit version(vmware.org), it's free.
2. Install it on Windows.
3. Go to http://www.osboxes.org/centos/ and download latest CentOS image.
4. Unzip it and edit CentOSXXX_64.vmx file, put this line there: ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
5. Reboot your computer and check the virtualization settings in BIOS: they must be enabled (disabled by default on many computer, names vary per manufacturer).
6. Start Vmware player and open the CentOS virtual machine from the place you have unzipped it.
7. Edit virtual machine settings: at the network adapter the "Bridged" option should be set.
8. Start the virtual machine.
9. Whenever the CentOS is started you have to configure the network manually. As root go to /etc/sysconfig/ and check that the file called 'network' contains this line:
If not, add it (use nano or vi as editor ).
11. Reboot your virtual machine.
12. Open a console and type : nmcli d -> this command should list your network interfaces.
13. As root go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and check if there is a file like this: ifcfg-YOUR_NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME (e.g. ifcfg-eno1561651)
If not, create it (touch + name).
14. This file should contain the following lines:
15. Go to Network settings on the UI (Applications - System Tools - Settings) and you should see a connection like "Wired". Press add profile and with default settings save the profile.

Now you should have a working CentOS with a working internet connection. Try it out with a browser and you will see immediately if the world is available. Enjoy!

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